Our comprehensive travel clinic offers medical tests and exams by a fully accredited doctor in support of visa applications for employment, residency, study, or extended travel.
Summerfield Healthcare offers a comprehensive Cayman Islands Medical service including:
When applying for an employment, residency, or student visa in the Cayman Islands you will need to complete a medical examination. The Cayman Islands has a number of requirements from your medical tests to ensure that you are fit and healthy to work.
There are different requirements depending on how long you are planning to stay, your general health, and any pre-existing conditions you may have.
Summerfield Healthcare offer this service at our Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton clinics at times to suit you, including evenings and weekends. Our professional and experienced clinicians can also answer any questions you may have about your medical tests and give advice on any general health concerns you may have.
Your Cayman medical is comprehensive and includes:
*Chest x-ray fee is payable to and carried out a private hospital of your choice
All of your tests should take around an hour in our clinic and are included in the fee of £218.50. You will need to set aside additional time for your x-ray at your chosen hospital. We can make all the arrangements for your appointment for the x-ray so that you can book smoothly and easily.
You will need to bring your completed Cayman Islands visa medical form with your to your appointment.
Summerfield Healthcare’s travel clinic offer a comprehensive medical service, completing your Cayman Islands Visa Medical in one thorough consultation – putting you at ease and taking the stress out of an otherwise difficult process.
We offer short notice appointments to fit your schedule and have fast result turnaround times. No referral is needed, simply book your appointment for a time that suits you.
The ECG is always recommended and usually required as part of the medical, however we can provide the medical without an ECG if necessary. We can also arrange referral to the private hospital of your choice for your x-ray, the fee of which will be payable directly to them.
Our GPs are experienced in completing visa medicals and know exactly what is required and how to carry out an efficient, complete examination for your Cayman Islands Visa. As it is a specialist medical you must ensure you book with GPs who know the form and its requirements.
Booking your visa medical could not be easier, choose to fill in the contact form, email your enquiry to [email protected] or call our reception team on 0333 9000 010. Summerfield Healthcare’s medical reception team are specially trained to deal with all enquiries in a professional, prompt & private manner.
Although Summerfield Healthcare is a private practice our fees are low cost and structured with you in mind. Initial consultation fees are listed below:
Musculoskeletal examination, Syphilis and HIV blood tests, Blood Pressure Checks, ECG (electrocardiogram)