Planning for the worst is something most of us are not very good at but it must be faced and dealt with so everyone knows what your wishes are should you become incapable of making decisions for yourself.
None of us wants to think about becoming incapable or incapacitated but it’s important to ensure interests are safeguarded and appropriate measures are taken before it’s too late. Which is why a Lasting Power of Attorney is so important.
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
There are two different forms of Lasting Power of Attorney: Property and Financial Affairs; and Health and Welfare. A Power of Attorney means naming one or more persons who can act for you if you are incapable of doing so yourself – someone who can be relied upon to make decisions for you in the future should the need arise.
Why is it relevant when we are talking about dementia?
Sadly, in many cases, people simply leave it too late to put a Lasting Power of Attorney in place – meaning the person concerned has lost the mental capacity to make the decisions necessary to draw up the legal document.
Having mental capacity means understanding a decision that needs to be made and why you need to make it, being successfully able to communicate decisions you want acted upon and understanding what the outcome of a decision is likely to be
The loss of mental capacity can be brought about through the onset of dementia or Alzheimers, severe injury like a traffic or industrial accident or deteriorating mental health.
How can we help?
Memory problems can be an early sign of Alzheimers or dementia and, while there is no cure, early diagnosis is a vital factor in slowing and managing its gradual progression.
Memory loss doesn’t necessarily mean the onset of dementia or Alzheimers but our memory clinics are helping people receive early assessments with appointments quickly arranged, which helps us diagnose potential symptoms early enough to provide reassurance and swift access to treatments when needed.
After an assessment has been carried out at our memory clinic, we will complete the necessary Lasting Powers of Attorney documentation, if you or your family deem it appropriate, and then forward the information to the Office of the Public Guardian. The registration fee for this is included in our service.