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When should I be concerned about memory problems?

identify memory problems

Forgetfulness, memory problems, not being able to recall the information you are trying to grasp….it can be difficult to know whether these things are a normal part of aging or whether you, or family and friends, should be seeking help.

And even if you do decide to seek help it can be something that you put to the bottom of your list, or that you do not follow through on when faced with trouble accessing GP appointments and long waiting lists.

Are memory problems normal as you age?

Forgetfulness, being slower in recalling things and never being able to work out where you have left your keys or your phone can definitely be just a normal part of aging.

People worry because they link memory problems with dementia – when the loss of memory, problem-solving and other thinking abilities has a severe impact on daily life. And this is a worry that should not be dismissed as research has shown that more than 850,000 people in the UK have dementia – one in 14 people over the age of 65.

What causes memory problems?

However, it’s important to remember that problems remembering things doesn’t necessarily mean onset of dementia.

People suffering with anxiety or depression often experience issues, and infections can cause people to forget where or when they are and not recognise family members around them – but it is important to get it checked out.

Should I speak to someone about my memory problems?

The general rule of thumb is that if you are worried about your symptoms, or those of a friend or family member, then you should speak to someone about it.

Early intervention is extremely important when it comes to dementia as, while there is no cure, early diagnosis is essential for managing and slowing down its progression.

Memory clinic appointments

Unfortunately, as with many services within the NHS, partly due to the pandemic, there is a long waiting list for memory assessments.

Dementia develops gradually and the symptoms get worse as the disease progresses. It develops at different rates in different people but early diagnosis helps to put treatments in place to slow down its progress.

It is important to have an assessment done quickly if you think there could be problems developing with the memory. For more information or to book an assessment, no referral needed, contact us on 0333 9000 010,  or email

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